Play your cards well ;)


It all started off when I stumbled upon a card from one of the oldest collection of cards at my place. Way back when I was a kid, my mother used to be part of a group of women who made cards and sold them for charity. The proceeds from the sales would go to an organization of underprivileged women. The leader of this group was a woman of great intellect and super organizing skills. She was respected and admired by everyone around for her meticulous planning and creativity. It was not just about having the brains for this woman, it was about being on the go constantly. She would never sit idle for a moment and it was this passionate energy that enthused all the other women to take up the task of making greeting cards…

They seem like little creations on paper…but let me tell you…-and i’ve experienced it-…it is a great way of bonding…and a great source of happiness to both the maker and the receiver…. I used to accompany my mother whenever she gathered with the card making group and since I was a kid, I would be given tasks like fetching little bits of color paper, cutting shapes of my own from scrap paper…just to keep my impatient hands engaged… never did I think back then that one day this habit would come to my rescue in times when I would become restless…This habit grew into me all through school and later in college…

The amazing thing about it is the happiness I get when people who have received cards from me on birthdays, farewells or any other special occasions, come up to me after a long time and remind me of my card to them and how it made them feel special. It instantly makes my face glow and gives me great joy and satisfaction..

What goes around surely comes back 🙂

Here I am posting a picture of a few cards I made when I had the time… Hope I get  inspiration to make more and better ones…


For all the partings…


I cannot imagine my world without you,

it is such a daunting task..

Why do I feel this?..I have no clue,

And so i wear a mask…


When i met you,

I never thought of this parting pain..

Although we all know..

there are things to lose, things to gain…


A glorious time has elapsed

of cheerful grins and funny things..

But that time has passed..

to be replaced by this silent din…


Yet again i stand…

at the crossroads…the ultimate altar of change…

Life ahead might be grand..

But who has the courage to wait…the patience to challenge..


From youngest sapling to the tallest tree…

all of us look forward…to be set free…

from this cycle of change and parting..

and begin right from the starting…


But do we get a second chance?..

To nullify wrongs and strike a balance…

To forge unforged and awake the dormant..

these thoughts just seem to add to my torment


What do I do now…

Things seem desperate…for..

Who will answer on judgement day…

When you shall be alas taken away..


A little voice beckons to me…

it says..”take heart little one..and just tarry..

wait for the judgement day until is is upon you…

until then just sit back and see….”


For what seems like hours I wait..

patiently nurturing thoughts .. you make me anxious fate..

And then i suddenly see…

Why am i worried about the morrow..

when you are with me…right here…right now…



Musicmaniac Me

Here are links to some of the songs I heard today and that made my day happy chirpy..

me and my music

Song 1:

This old Hindi melody has lovely beats… the genius of legendary O.P. Nayyar with the bubbly voice of Asha Bhonsle… lovely combination

Song 2:

This song has catchy beats and a sweet jazzy trumpet undertone which simply makes it wow! I heard it on radio one on my way back home tonight and couldn’t wait till i found out more about it…

Song 3:

Well I shall let you listen to this and enjoy your own feelings…

The NOSE’y’ Thing

In continuation with my first post in this space…


I was on the lookout for a face to inspire me for a post today on my way to the workplace. I found an unexpected candidate…

What caught my attention was a petty daily quarrel on the local where both the parties involved had forgotten why they had begun to fight by the time they were done. One of the fighting members waved her fist menacingly close to her opponent’s nose. That was when i noticed…

The nose was flaring…her target had a short stubby one as if the nostrils were coiling in fear of the flaring one. The fight in itself was hardly inspiring. But its aftereffect was that i was compelled to observe nose’ie’s for the remainder of my journey! Alas poor me i was hooked as you shall know…

Some ugly ones, some acquiline and sharp some  romanesque the variety was all there for the observer. Some beautifully shaped as if crafted with great care and passion…while some were rounded and some flat-ish…where the cells had suddenly lent unanimous support to rounding off a sharp slope.

The nostrils themselves came in varied shapes and sizes…It seemed like I had never seen a nose so keenly before…

A woman scratched her nose…The girl in the yellow salwaar kammez was resting her elbow on the train window and tapping her… ahem…nose to the music playing through her earphones. An old lady was fingering her heavy nose ring… A new mother was nudging her bundle of joy with her nose…The little one was apparently no newbie in nose demonstrations…it crinkled its nose…that looked so sweet to an onlooker (though i doubt the mother shared the sentiment)….its nose was a masterpiece … resolute and waiting to flare up in a deafening cry…..the mother sniffed the impending danger and quickly gave the little warrior its colourful jingling toy….the baby smiled..grin spreading from ear to ear…its mission accomplished…the nose had won!

Whoa! even a kiddo knows how to use its nose! Looks like I am the naive one here…Do you smell something funny ?…Well i smell summer flowers and a blissful night’s sleep…

signing off….

Leaving you with 2 songs that come to my mind…..Point to observe..Mohit Chauhan ..then and now… Don’t start looking at his nose just yet 😉

1st one:

2nd one:

good night 🙂

Late night blogging

Listening to the song ‘Dream a little dream of me’ by ‘the mamas and the papas’. I love the slow melody at this time of the night. After a long time feeling like i am back in school. No worries about having to get to work tomorrow and have a full schedule. The song reminds me that this is just a dream.. A hundred new faces i shall meet tomorrow. I am looking for something to write about. Will i meet my inspiration tomorrow? If we do find a post again tomorrow we shall know. Until then…dream a little dream…..good night.

Here’s the link to the song: